Logistics Recruitment

BiS Henderson is a leader in supply chain recruitment and logistics recruitment in both the private and public sectors.

Logistics Recruitment

BiS Henderson is a leader in supply chain recruitment and logistics recruitment in both the private and public sectors.

Logistics Recruitment

BiS Henderson is a leader in supply chain recruitment and logistics recruitment in both the private and public sectors.

Friday, 28 February 2014

The Internal Processes behind Supply Chain Recruitment Companies

Most people think that the recruitment process in companies consists of only ‘recruitment and hiring’. Well it’s actually otherwise- it’s more of information collected over a period of time i.e. information that includes contacts of job seekers and HR’s of the companies which cumulate to form ‘priceless information’. The main idea of this process is to make the so called ‘hiring’ more efficient, time saving, cost efficient and employer friendly.

Given below are some of the various processes behind logistics recruitment

Key Performance Indicators

This process is mostly data centric where the assets and resources of the candidate are measured of their efficiency through psychometric tests. These can be time saving and provide an accurate capability index of the candidate.

Supply Chain Management

This is where an efficient supply chain management comes into usage regarding the fact that the number of candidates approaching for a particular job are in large numbers. So logistics are needed for managing incoming and outgoing employees of the company. The other processes include database management, research of market trends, building contacts, rating process of candidates etc.

Logistics Optimization

This calls for selection of the best candidate for a particular job based on the criteria required and the general preferences of the profiled candidate as per the general market trend.

Profile Networking

After selecting the perfect candidate, he/she is then networked to other prospective candidates of the same skill set in that region so that a talent pool can be formed.

These are the actual hiring processes that ensure maximum talent search and acquisition.

Monday, 24 February 2014

Basics of logistics

Most people will hear the term ‘logistics’ often and but many do not really understand what it means. It is important to know what logistics is all about. In this article you will find certain basic points to help you understand what logistics is about.

What is Logistics?

Logistics is the process of planning and implementing the plan in a controlled manner to deliver products in a company from the point of origin (production) to the point of consumption (customers).  The people who are involved in logistics will make sure that the materials flow efficiently with respect to time and destination.

Steps involved in logistics

There are various steps involved in logistics including:

•    Customer Service

•    Warehousing

•    Inventory Control

•    Materials Handling

•    Forecasting

•    Purchasing

•    Strategic planning

These steps are handled to ensure that the products are made available to the customers at the right time in perfect condition. 

Importance of Logistics:

Logistics has an incredibly important part to play in terms of human survival by ensuring the continuous availability of food, water and medicine. It is the logistics approach that ensures people are able to acquire any product that is manufactured in a distant place or imported from other countries. Therefore, it is important for people to realise the journey behind every product from its source to its final destination.

Impact of logistics on organizations

Logistics are behind the scenes in any company that aspires to provide good customer service. All companies  need to have quality and experienced logistics professionals as part of their team and will usually require  logistics recruitment  consultants to make sure the team remains effective and has the capacity to adopt fresh strategies. This will ensure efficient logistics systems are in place to improve their business and get improved customer satisfaction.

Logistics holds the key for the smooth running of a company; a company which has good a logistics team will certainly attract more customers and have better revenue.

Tuesday, 11 February 2014

A Quotographic by BiS Henderson

The quotographic below is brought to by BiS Henderson. With more than 25 years of experience, we are the award-winning leaders in supply chain, procurement and logistics recruitment for both public and private sector.

Monday, 10 February 2014

Logistics-The Key for Companies

Logistics can be defined as the management involved in a company that ensures smooth flow of resources between the point of origin and the point of consumption. For physical items logistics is the integration of information flow, material handling, production, packaging, transportation and others.

Logistics involves the process of planning, implementing and controlling the task involved in the flow of resources to ensure an effective and efficient flow.

In this article we shall find the various logistics fields in a larger company

Procurement logistics:

This involves activities like market research, planning of requirements, supply/supplier management and order controlling. The theme of procurement logistics is to maximize the efficiency, maintaining the autonomy of the company despite outsourcing and minimizing the procurement costs.

Production Logistics:

The function of the production logistics is to ensure efficient production by utilizing the available resources to the best possible extent.

Distribution logistics:

This involves tasks to ensure efficient delivery of finished products to the customer. Distribution keeps on changing as per the customer’s demand.  Distribution logistics carry processing, warehousing and transportation.

Disposal logistics:

Disposal logistics is employed to reduce logistic costs and enhance services related to disposal of waste generated at any stage in the company’s process.

Green Logistics:

Green logistics serves to minimize the ecological impact due to any logistic activity.

Reverse logistics:

This is the process of moving goods from its final destination such as products which are being returned by its buyers. Reverse logistics serve in the process of re-usage of products or turning waste towards effective disposal.

In order to get good customer satisfaction it is important to have a good logistic approach. Therefore while making logistic recruitment ensure that the third party is a good one because a good flow of resources will certainly need efficient logistic approach

Sunday, 2 February 2014

All about logistics outsourcing

A simple definition of logistics is “managing the stream of resources from the point of origin to the end”.

When a company develops, there is a chance for mismanagement at any level of its process. In order to get rid of this, logistics outsourcing might be helpful. Logistic outsourcing is to link a process in the company with a third party business to make sure that the supply and demand is managed, controlled and handled better.

For instance, for a milk supplier, milk has to be supplied as quickly as possible to their customers. If they want to manage the transport of milk they would need an additional team to handle and manage their transport. Instead of buying trucks the milk supplier hires some agency to transfer milk from their firm to the consumers. This is the actual process behind logistics outsourcing.

Let us have a look at the benefits of logistics outsourcing

•    The company which undertakes outsourcing a process will have experienced staff and resources to perform that task (A company undertaking transport will have trucks and drivers).

•    The third party is completely responsible for the task it has taken up. Thus we can expect better efficiency.

•    Outsourcing of logistics reduces the burden on the company’s management by saving work stress, time and more importantly money.

A bunch of sticks is difficult to break when held together but, can easily be broken on splitting. Therefore for a big company it is good to split the bunch of tasks by logistics outsourcing and thereby obtain more efficiency and save money.